Allah Ta’ala guided His Beloved (PBUH) on a journey from Masjid Haram to Bayt al-Maqdis and from there to Arsh Maali.
A few events that occurred Presented are:

Initiation of the Journey: According to the famous saying, on the 27th of Rajab in the 11th year of Prophethood, during a night, Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was resting near the Kaaba when suddenly the roof split open, and Angel Gabriel descended with divine command. The Prophet was then taken from the world of semi-consciousness to the world of wakefulness. He embarked on his journey from Masjid al-Haram towards Jerusalem, where he rested at the Kaaba’s Multazam area for a while. Later, Gabriel and Michael awakened him and took him near the Zamzam well, where he lay down.

Splitting of the Chest and Seal of Prophethood: The Prophet’s blessed chest was split open, and his pure heart was removed and washed with Zamzam water. A golden vessel filled with wisdom and faith was then placed in his chest, and the pure heart was returned to its place, sealed with the seal of Prophethood between his shoulders.

The Heavenly Journey: Accompanied by Angel Gabriel, a white-winged creature named Buraq was brought from paradise. Its stride extended as far as the eye could see. The Prophet mounted Buraq, and Gabriel and Michael accompanied him.

Journey through Landmarks: The journey took the Prophet from various significant locations, including Yathrib (Madinah), the Valley of Sinai, where Allah had spoken to Moses, and the land of Shu’ayb (Madyan). Each stop involved performing two units of voluntary prayer.

Arrival at Bait al-Maqdis: Eventually, the Prophet reached Bait al-Maqdis (Jerusalem), where he performed the two units of prayer. From there, he ascended to the heavens, where he continued his miraculous journey. These events are highly revered in Islam and signify the Prophet’s extraordinary spiritual experience and closeness to Allah.

The Grave of Prophet Moses (peace be upon him): During the miraculous journey of Isra and Mi’raj, the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) also passed by the blessed grave of Prophet Moses (peace be upon him). He mentioned that on the night when I was taken on this journey, I passed by the grave of Prophet Moses (peace be upon him). He was standing in his grave and offering prayers. It’s worth noting that witnessing Prophet Moses (peace be upon him) praying in his grave is not considered a miracle.

Consequences for Backbiters: The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) instructed that his passing occurred over those people whose nails were made of copper, and they were scratching their faces and chests. When asked about them, it was revealed that they were those who backbite others and engage in defaming them.

Punishment for Usurers: The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) mentioned his passage over those people whose stomachs were like huge houses, and inside them were snakes visible from the outside. When inquired about them, it was revealed that they were usurers.

Consequences for Laziness in Prayer: The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) also passed by those who were being crushed by stones because they were previously negligent in performing their prayers. Even after being crushed, they returned to their previous state. When asked, it was revealed that they were those who were lazy in performing obligatory prayers.

Punishment for Those who Don’t Pay Zakat: Furthermore, the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) passed by those whose private parts were being cut and injured, lying down like animals and being tormented by thorns and evil trees. When inquired about them, it was revealed that they were those who did not fulfill the obligation of paying Zakat (almsgiving).

Consequences for Adulterers: The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) passed by those who had cooked and uncooked meat in front of them. When asked about them, Gabriel (peace be upon him) revealed that they were those men who had lawful and pure wives but engaged in illicit relations with adulterous and immoral women, spending the night and remaining with them until morning, abandoning their lawful and pure wives for adulterers and wicked individuals.

Punishment for Extortionists: During the journey, the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) saw a wooden stick breaking the clothes of those who pass by. Gabriel (peace be upon him) explained that this represents those who sit on paths, hiding and waiting to extort from passersby.

Consequences for Betrayal: The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) passed by a person who had a heavy load of wood but lacked the courage to carry it. When asked about him, Gabriel (peace be upon him) explained that he is the one who fails to fulfill his trust properly.

Punishment for Knowledgeable but Ineffective Individuals: The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) passed by a nation whose tongues and lips were being cut by scissors made of iron. Gabriel (peace be upon him) explained that these are the ineffective scholars of your Ummah (community).

Paradise and Hell: The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) passed by a fragrant place which Gabriel (peace be upon him) described as Paradise, and by a foul-smelling place which he described as Hell. Ibn Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him) narrated that the Prophet (peace be upon him) also saw the Antichrist (Dajjal) and the Hellfire.

Elderly Man and Woman, and the Assembly of Prophets: You encountered an elderly man who greeted you, and then an elderly woman who also greeted you. Gabriel instructed you to respond to their greetings. Then, you passed by a group of people who greeted you. Gabriel instructed you to respond to their greetings as well. It was mentioned that the elderly woman represented the worldly life, and the elderly man represented Satan, both trying to attract you towards themselves. The group that greeted you consisted of the prophets Abraham, Moses, and Jesus (peace be upon them).

Ma’shatha of Pharaoh: You perceived a pleasant fragrance, and upon inquiry, Gabriel explained that it was the scent of Ma’shatha (a type of plant used for braiding hair) and its offspring. Then, the story of a woman known as Ma’shatha, who was a hairdresser for Pharaoh and his offspring, was narrated. Once, while braiding Pharaoh’s daughter’s hair, her comb fell, and she said, “In the name of Allah.” Pharaoh’s daughter questioned her about mentioning her father’s name, to which she clarified that she meant Allah, the Lord of her and Pharaoh. Furious, Pharaoh ordered a boiling cauldron to be prepared and commanded that Ma’shatha and her offspring be thrown into it. As they were boiled alive, Ma’shatha’s young son urged her to remain steadfast, reminding her of the severity of the punishment of the hereafter compared to that of this world. Thus, she jumped into the boiling water.

The Honor of Islamic Mujahideen: You also observed the condition of some inhabitants of Paradise. You passed by a group of people who were sowing seeds and cultivating crops in a single day. Gabriel explained that they were the Mujahideen of your Ummah, and their one good deed is worth more than seven hundred good deeds. Allah rewards them manifold for whatever they spend. You also witnessed the dwellings of some companions, including Umar and Zaid bin Harithah (may Allah be pleased with them), during this journey.

The leadership of the Prophets: When you, peace be upon him, arrived at Bayt al-Maqdis (Jerusalem), where the Prophets and angels were awaiting you, Angel Gabriel, peace be upon him, took your hand and stood you up as the prayer leader. You led them in prayer, thus being honored with the title “Imam al-Anbiya” (Leader of the Prophets). Afterward, you listened to praises of Allah from the other Prophets, and at the end, you also praised and glorified Allah.

The cup of milk: Upon exiting the mosque, you were presented with cups containing water, wine, and milk. You chose the cup of milk, to which Angel Gabriel affirmed that you had chosen the natural religion (fitrah). If you had chosen the cup of wine, your followers would have gone astray, and if you had chosen the cup of water, your followers would have drowned.

Encounters with different Prophets: The journey from Bayt al-Maqdis to the Highest Heaven began. You sequentially met Prophet Adam, Prophet Jesus, Prophet Joseph, Prophet Idris, Prophet Aaron, Prophet Moses, and Prophet Abraham, peace be upon them all.

The meeting with Prophet Adam, peace be upon him, was significant as he was the first creation of Allah and you are the father of all Prophets.

Meeting Prophet Jesus, peace be upon him, was notable as he is a Prophet whom Allah raised to the living heavens and will return again.

The encounter with Prophet Joseph, peace be upon him, conveyed the message that just as you endured hardships with your own people in Mecca, Joseph also faced similar challenges with his own people but eventually became victorious.

Meeting Prophet Idris, peace be upon him, led to the creation of writings as he was met in connection with your journey from Mecca to Medina, where you were engaged in writing letters to rulers.

The encounter with Prophet Aaron, peace be upon him, reminded of the consequences of polytheism as his people were annihilated due to their idol worship. If your people indulge in polytheism, they would face a similar fate.

Meeting Prophet Moses, peace be upon him, highlighted his struggles in Syria, where he engaged in jihad. Similarly, you would also embark on jihad, hence you set out for Tabuk.

Though Prophet Moses went to Syria for jihad, the victory was achieved by his successor Joshua. Similarly, after your departure, your successor Umar would achieve victory.

Finally, meeting Prophet Abraham, peace be upon him, emphasized his role as the builder and guardian of the Kaaba, and you are its protector.

This summarises the significant encounters and wisdom derived from meeting various Prophets during your journey to the heavens.

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The Lote Tree of the Utmost Boundary: You, peace be upon him, reached the Lote Tree of the Utmost Boundary. This tree is called the Lote Tree because it resembles a berry tree, and “Utmost” signifies its position as the endpoint. It is the place where the deeds of the lower realm are received, and from where the angels of the higher realms take them upward, while the decrees from the higher realm descend here. The angels of the lower realm then take these decrees downward.

The Station of Sirat al-Aqlam (The Station of the Pens): You, peace be upon him, further ascended to the Station of the Pens, where the pens that write destiny were heard. A chariot arrived for you, and you ascended from there to the Highest Heaven.

The Honor of Visiting the Essence of the Almighty: You, peace be upon him, ascended to the Throne of Allah, conversed with Him, saw His essence, and listened to His words. Ibn Abbas, may Allah be pleased with him, narrated that the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, said: “I have seen my Lord.” Anas ibn Malik, may Allah be pleased with him, reported that the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, said: “I have seen the Greatest Light (Allah).”

The Prophetic Gift in the Divine Presence: Allah, the Lord of Majesty, asked you, “O My Prophet, you have come as a guest to Us, what have you brought for Us?” You, peace be upon him, replied: “O Allah! Greetings, prayers, and good deeds, my physical and monetary worship are for You.”

Blessings from the Divine Presence:

In return, Allah, the Lord of Majesty, bestowed three gifts:

If your greetings are for Me, then for you: “Peace be upon you, O Prophet!” from Me.

If your prayers are for Me, then for you: “May Allah’s mercy be upon you,” from Me.

If your wealth is for Me, then for you: “There is a blessing in this wealth from Me.”

This summarizes the remarkable events and blessings bestowed upon you during your journey to the heavens.

The Last Verses of Surah Al-Baqarah:

During this occasion, the obligation of performing five daily prayers was also ordained. Initially, the obligation was for fifty prayers, but at the insistence of Prophet Moses, peace be upon him, it was reduced multiple times until only five prayers remained obligatory. Some narrations also suggest that the last few verses of Surah Al-Baqarah were gifted to you during this journey as well.

The Longest Journey in the Shortest Time:

You, peace be upon him, traversed the longest journey in human history within a short period. You traveled from Mecca to Jerusalem, led the Prophets and angels in prayer, ascended to the heavens, met with the Prophets, reached the Lote Tree of the Utmost Boundary, ascended to the Station of the Pens, reached the threshold of the Divine Presence, witnessed Paradise and Hell, and returned, all in a single night.

When Abu Bakr Became the “Truthful One”:

Upon waking up, you narrated your night journey, and the Quraysh began to doubt and question. They approached Abu Bakr Siddiq, may Allah be pleased with him, who affirmed your account. When asked if he believed in these extraordinary events, Abu Bakr replied that he believed in even more astonishing events and that news came to you from the heavens. It was due to this incident that Abu Bakr was given the title “As-Siddiq” (the Truthful One).

Answering the Questions of the Quraysh:

The Quraysh of Mecca began inquiring about the details of your journey to Jerusalem. Allah, the Most High, made Bayt al-Maqdis visible to you while you were in the sacred precincts of the Kaaba. You, peace be upon him, answered their questions regarding your journey and the events that transpired during it.

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